

Every year, hundreds of thousands of films and series are produced in every language and country in the world. In order to make this international content available and, above all, understandable in France and elsewhere, we provide dubbing services (fiction or animation) for your films, TV films and series.

We also offer voice-over (with or without narration), used for localizing documentaries, TV magazines, game shows, audiobooks, podcasts and even video games.

What is good dubbing ?

Good dubbing is dubbing that you don't even notice, almost invisible to the eye and harmonious to the ear.

The key points of dubbing

Dubbing is like painting a landscape. We look at this landscape and we paint it. It’s successful when the dubbing provokes emotion, just like a painting. For us, it is above all a question of performance which subtly mixes all the colors of emotion. It's not just about timing and voice. It means reproducing as faithfully as possible the actor's performance in the original version by matching his performance or magnifying it if necessary.

Dialogues, noises, atmospheres. There are as many details to recreate as there are products to look at: the art of dubbing represents meticulous work in several stages that are as important as they are necessary.

Detection and adaptation

Detection and adaptation steps are essential. The detection makes it possible to highlight what we call the labials, that is to say the openings and closings of the mouth. It is also a good indicator of the rhythm of sentences pronounced in the original or OV. Adaptation will contribute to a better understanding of the dialogues by finding the words and expressions best suited to the target audience.


Selection of actors and distribution of roles are part of the artistic director's missions. He ensures that the voices are perfectly in tune with the actors in the original version.

Artistic direction

The Director sets the direction, deciphers the meaning of the work, explains certain passages if the need arises, proceeds through acting equivalences with the actors to respect the original version. As in painting, you have to have an eye and add the little touch that will make the difference. And the actors we use have all the know-how for this.

The studio

A soundproof studio, a very experienced sound engineer and the latest technologies in terms of production software are the ingredients that IMAGINE puts in place to ensure the smooth running of all recordings.

Editing & mixing

The editor ensures that the voices are frame-accurate to guarantee perfectly synchronized sound.
Mixing involves equalizing, removing unwanted noise, adjusting sound levels and applying special effects to ensure superior audio quality. By combining voices with sound effects and music, we guarantee that our dubbed version will be as deep, intense and harmonious as the original version.

Our teams constantly surpass themselves to obtain dubbing faithful to the original version and which provides spectators with an experience as immersive as it is magical thanks to dubbing that the public will not notice.

Choose IMAGINE and access a dubbed version of as good quality as the original version.